A big opportunity.

Category : Admin

I’ve arrived in Pittsburgh, and I’ve unpacked most of the stuff from my car. That’s my new house in the middle. The blue one.

My room in miniscule, and I will henceforth refer to it as my cabin, since I feel like I’m living on a boat. I think my room will be the subject of another post entirely.

For now my plan is to get as many projects done as possible. Among my projects:

– An audio documentary about Handface
– The album my brother and I recorded in the last month
– Two (very) short movies
– Play lots of piano
– Learn to play the accordian

And that’s the short list. So I’ll be keeping myself busy. This blog will become the public diary for my endeavors, and I hope to update it every couple of days, so check back soon.

Comment (1)

JF Seznec

Yann I really liked the two pieces of music on your September blog.

19 years ago

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