Introducing the Jam Jar!

The Jam Jar

I’m working on a project right now that involves building digital synthesizers that react to light. As a first step I made a small synth that I was able to fit inside a jam jar. I creatively named it the Jam Jar, and it totally rocks. Here’s a video that explains what it is and shows me jamming out with Ableton Live!

For more pictures check out my Flickr set.
[edit]> I neglected to mention that I built this synth with enormous help from a tutorial on hack-a-day!

Comments (5)


for lack of better words…sweet! i definitely want a jam jar now..

16 years ago

Amazing, I just love the idea. That is what I call jam-ming


16 years ago

[…] Jam Jar is a small light-responsive digital synthesizer made out of a couple of dollars worth of parts and […]

16 years ago

Seems like an age-old APC with pots replaced by photo resistors, kinda like the Beep-It by Michael Una. Nice build anyway, but would have been cool if you didn’t act like you invented it.

15 years ago

Hey Simon,

You’re right, it is very similar to the Beep It, I hadn’t seen that! Thanks for the link. However, I’m not claiming to have invented this anymore than Michael Una is! I simply took a tutorial from Hack A Day and modified it slightly to make the Jam Jar:
I’m not interested in “inventing” anything, I just like to make fun interfaces for making noise.

15 years ago

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