Amazing Rolo Gig!

Category : Amazing Rolo, Music

Welsh Gig Poster

Hello from the plush offices of Ciafaic/Datrys in beautiful Llanrwst, North Wales! I’ve had a brilliant time over the past few days, the Weather Gage is busy twinkling away on the Bangor Pier, I had a fun workshop at a school this morning, and tomorrow night I will be playing a gig at the Conwy Falls Cafe.

I’ll be playing a mix of electronic and acoustic songs, some meticulously prepared and some hugely improvised. I’ve got some solenoid jars, wii remotes, microphones that will be placed around the cafe, and I’ve been promised an acoustic guitar.

Come on down if you’re in the area – it’s free! Starts at 8pm. I’ve heard there’s good food there, too. I’m really looking forward to it.

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