Amazing Rolo on TenTracks
With so much going on (most of which will hopefully be explained and elaborated on in a flurry of posts in the next few weeks) I nearly forgot to mention on this blog that my track “EarthFireWindWaterHeart” has been featured on a TenTracks album…Check it out on!
If you’re not familiar with TenTracks, you definitely should be. They are offering a really cool new model for downloading and consuming music, and they are definitely getting some traction. From their website:
1. is a platform for the marketing and retail of music which responds to online music listening culture in a way that has not been achieved to date by the major music industry.
2. Sets of 10 bands provide a track each per month. All 10 are available to listeners for £1 per month (or £10 per year).
3. The bands involved cross-promote each other via their social networks.
4. The tracks are also advertised each month in free arts and culture publication The Skinny, who are partners in the business. The Skinny distributes 32,500 copies around Scotland every month.
5. Over time, the listener-base will grow, providing significant fees to each band for their work.
6. Musicians give no ownership rights, and have the freedom to remove their track from the site after its release month has ended (though there are incentives to stay on).
7. At as little as 10p a track, the price structure is almost but not quite ‘free’. This is great value for the listener, and means artists are remunerated for their exposure in a way that is not possible from most free downloads, illegal or otherwise.
8. We understand the benefits of radio-play and commercial broadcast, and do not impede other income streams for musicians. is licensed by MCPS-PRS.
9. The tracks are without the restriction of DRM.
10. Scotland is well placed in terms of geography and creative potential to be host to this new, more economical and honest way of doing music business, but we are looking for partnerships elsewhere in the UK and internationally. If you’d like to work with us, get in touch.