Liverpool: Interface Amnesty
I’m off to Liverpool today, to participate in a very cool event called Interface Amnesty, a fringe event to the amazing Abandon Normal Devices Festival, organized by the ever-awesome SoundNetwork. Phew, that’s a lot of superlatives.
There are a lot of things I like about how Interface Amnesty has been organized…perhaps most importantly I love how they are not concerned with showing off super-cutting-edge technology, but rather are interested in interaction, both in terms of the projects on show and interacting with the artists who create them. From their blog:
We arent showing the cutting edge; its not about who is best its that you want to do it in the first place. There are no new things here you cant see on a google search without much effort; the amnesty is a way to see it first hand, face to face and hands on.
This event is not just about the audience; make no mistake the guests showing off their gadgets will get the most of this; but through their mutual excitement we want to get you infected with the DIY bug and join in.
Not a hackspace, not an exhibition, not ‘the latest thing’, not a gig: the ‘amnesty’ is that the pressure is off, for one day we can just look at and have a go on and reflect on ways to interface with strange electric music.
Pretty brilliant. I’ve made a brand-new batch of Jam Jar Gelkies that I’ll be showing off, and of course I’ll have a bunch of Wii remotes and an iPhone or two as well. I’ll be there all day, and I’m going to give a talk/demonstration of my work at 4pm. There’s a pretty awesome concert happening right afterwards too.
So if you’re in Liverpool, come on down to Static tomorrow starting around 1pm and come say hello! To finish, here are some photos of the birth of the latest batch of Gelkies: